Trump insists on kicking Joe Biden out of his stolen presidency. Either put the legitimately elected president in power or hold a new election immediately. America has gone through 22 months of insane destruction with Joe Biden and his corrupt socialists wrecking our homeland. The last straw is the FBI…
Chexk It Out!Tag: Mark Zuckerberg
Trump Was Right The Election Was Stolen By The FBI & Big Tech
Trump was right the election was stolen by the FBI and Big Tech. I must admit that ole Joe Rogan has a great talent for being able to coax his podcast guests to spill their guts. And yesterday reeling in Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was Rogans finest moment yet. Zuckerberg…
Chexk It Out!Supreme Court Leak Distraction From 2000 Mules Election Fraud Movie
Supreme Court Leak distraction from the 2000 Mules Election FRAUD Movie by Dinesh D’Souza and True The Vote which premiered in theaters nationwide on 05/02/22. Yea, they’re pulling a big rabbit out of the hat to distract the public from talking about what they saw. 2000 Mules outlines how Mark…
Chexk It Out!Mark Zuckerberg’s $7M Metaverse Superbowl Commercial Flatlined!
Zuck’s Metaverse Superbowl commercial appears to have flatlined. At 70 that sort of thing does not interest me in the slightest, though today’s younger generation probably thinks VR, in general, is cool. I would think for the reportedly $7M SuperBowl ad cost, Mark could have told his metaverse story using…
Chexk It Out!Facebook Punished By Market As User Logins And Revenue Drops!
Facebook Punished for poor attendance as members flee to other social media sites. Mark Zuckerberg has destroyed the best social media platform driving members away with its nazi totalitarian policies. He did it to himself and is now being punished. Facebook’s devastating usage report marked the end of a difficult…
Chexk It Out!Gotta Love America ~ The Country Where Money Can Buy Everything!
Gotta Love America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, where the old saying is often true. If you’ve got the benjamins you can buy everything. Mansions, fine Yachts, even your very own private island in the Caribbean. And let’s not forget all the beautiful women…
Chexk It Out!Facebook Tries Intimidation Requires Drivers License
Merry Christmas Everyone ? I’m up with the chickens blogging on this Christmas morning. Last night while lying in bed chatting with a friend on messenger. Tapping the Facebook icon on my iPhone, I was served up an ID Verification request for my FidoSysop politics page that supports President Trump.…
Chexk It Out!Big Tech Grilled By Congress As Donald Trump Plans Executive Orders
Big Tech was in the congressional hot-seat yesterday and Google’s Sundar Pichai spun Mat Gaetz questions around about aiding China and helping Joe Biden win the election. Mark Zuckerberg denied censoring conservatives which we all know is BS. President Trump threatened executive actions if the bias continued. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos…
Chexk It Out!