It’s a business week after the Memorial Day holiday. Hope y’all enjoyed the holiday weekend.
I have been researching my injury and damage to an artificial hip replacement. It is possible to damage one. And I hit the ground hard right on that joint.
I have the second generation procifus sp?. The first generation had a steel circular swivel ball. It caused damage from metal shavings coming off as the joint came off.
Luckily by the time I needed mine replaced the second generation came out with a ceramic ball that cured the metal shavings problem with the first generation profesus.
I must have shattered the ceramic ball on mine when my 300-pound body smashed into the asphalt. I’m anxiously awaiting for June to get an MRI of the profusus. If it is indeed damaged hopefully doctors can replace the part that attaches to femur bone.
I remember back in 2010 I had a hard time finding a surgeon that would do the procedure, saying I was too heavy. My dads nickname was Fats! Everyone on his side of the family was FAT!
I’m bored today and are getting some practice blogging with this WordPress app. The only thing its lacking is what is called hooks that allow access to my toast seo so I can set my Mets data title and description. Otherwise Its pretty cool. Technology moves along so fast that its a chore to keep up with👀.
Meanwhile heres my Aspire of Brooksville lunch 🤮
Aspire of Brooksville Lunch 🤮
Thinking back a year ago when i first fell off that blood 🩸 mobile. All the rehab they said I needed was a misdiagnosis. I would think they would have looked into inspecting my professes. Just shuttled me off to Spring Hell Rehab where i caught Covid~19 from my roommate! And I’m sure they milked my Medicare and supplement policy but good!
As I’m famous for saying. It’s all about the Benjamins Baby!
I’m bored today giving this WordPress app a go atit!
Dan Bongino show on Rumble the YouTube Killer!
Damn thats one ugly mug! 😎
Oh well ~ I’m thinking it’s lawyer time in Aspire HealthCare!
Old photo of me and Diane in 1977
Whatever happened to the good old days? Found this old photo from 1977 yesterday. Wonder where Diane is today? She was 19 and loved doing the tube steak boggy! ❤️