Dan Bongino Show: They’re Preparing For Violence

Here is today’s Dan Bongino Show. If you have not subscribed to Dan’s Rumble channel, do so here. Pay attention to what he is saying? It’s the Truth. He was a former NYC cop, FBI, and Secret Service Agent. He knows what he is talking about!

They’re Preparing For Violence (Ep. 2277) 06/25/202. Credit, The Dan Bongino Show!,/h4>

Meuser added that the airport employees who are doing their jobs want to talk about the migrant transfers, but they also want to remain anonymous. He said They’ve been instructed to keep it somewhat quiet, but I think they’re now breaking out of that. He continued that the flights are coming in the middle of the night, but there were also two on Christmas Day. I was there yesterday and spoke with many officials at the airport. As I stated, many were open and forthright about the situation there and fed up with this situation. They can’t talk on camera. But they’ll tell you exactly what’s happening, and they’re fed up with the lawlessness! 😥

Joe Biden.s Ikkegal Maigret MIDNITE lOLITA EXPRESS

Remember, people, this is probably the most critical election in our country’s history. We know the libs are banking on those Illegal Migrants that Joe and his border czar Camel toes spent our tax dollars on to be voters. keep your eyes open for any suspicious activity and call the cops. If Joe and Oke Cammem Toes STEAl ANOTHER FOUR YEARS WE WIIL LOSE AMERICA FOREVER! Joes running our goverment Like AL CAPONE!

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