Democrats Using AI Trolling Wikipedia Telling Blatant Lies!

They have everything rigged again and now are blaming the US for everything they are doing. In a page stolen from Adolph Hitler’s battle plan, Hiter said to blame America for what we are doing! We best be on our toes. Report anything suspicious to LE and get the Inident reporr number along with date and tine.

Donald Trump | Trump Speech In Las Vegas Live |. Video Credit, CNN.YouYube
Wikipedia leftist bias.
Wikipedia leftist bias. Image credit, Manhattan Institute

Washingron Post Reports: People closer to the accident reported rashes, nausea and headaches – but the study author said the low concentrations farther away from the accident weren’t “toxic, but are pretty unusual at a lot of places. [behind paywall]

East Palestine Debris Report
Report on East Palestine Derailment Rained Down on 16 states. Image credit CBS News

Speaking of East Palestine Train Derailment, Did Joe ever go there? Dont remember hearing about it. But Donald Trump did go and pass out water and supplies. Sad interviewed survivors! That article with videos is here!

This website and its media content reflect my personal opinion. I simply call it, Florida Cracker style, t just like I see it, with no beating around the bush or sugar-coating applied. It is a large conservative political collection that contains many MAGS-related posts and many archived privately hosted videos and archived MAGA rallies.