Facebook Punished By Market As User Logins And Revenue Drops!

Facebook Punished

Facebook Punished for poor attendance as members flee to other social media sites. Mark Zuckerberg has destroyed the best social media platform driving members away with its nazi totalitarian policies. He did it to himself and is now being punished. Facebook’s devastating usage report marked the end of a difficult…

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Johnson & Johnson Scientist: Children Shouldn’t Be Vaccinated!

Johnson & Johnson Covid-19

Johnson & Johnson employees: Children Don’t Need the COVID Vaccine Because There Are ‘Unknown Repercussions Down the Road’ Biden Admin Wants to ‘Punish’ Unvaccinated Adults and Turn Them Into ‘Second-Grade Citizens’ for Not Complying with HIS Mandates. This is Communism! When you have the President of the USA wanting to…

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Google’s YouTube Sucks – Better FREE Alternative Rumble IS Great!

Trump Rally Ob Rumble Sarasota 07/03/21

Last week Communist-owned Google’s YouTube took down two Donald Trump Speech Videos from the Right Side Broadcasting’s YouTube channel. Not only did the commie bastard takedown RSBnetworks Trump videos, but they also suspended this fine patriot-operated group’s ability to live stream events for seven days. This smacks of desperation coming…

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CBS 60 Minutes Eats Crow Over Biased FL Gov Ron DeSantis Report

cbs 60 minutes Ron DeSantis

CBS 60 Minutes tried sticking it to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis calling his Publix Covid-19 Vaccine distribution a ‘pay to play scheme.’ Instead, CBS and its correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi is fading intense heat for selectively editing out footage of why DeSantis chose Publix Supermarkets as another source of Covid-19 Vaccination…

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My Opinion On Political Bias Censorship Stifling 1st Amendment Rights

political bias censorship

Opinion on Political Bias Censorship. If section 230 of the communications decency act of 1996 is revoked. Most likely attorneys will leap all over Facebook Twitter and Google with class-action lawsuits. Big tech is denying U.S. citizens their constitutional right to their opinion and free speech. What is going on…

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Website Domain Name Seizure Will Stop Political Bias Censorship

website domain name seizure

Website Domain Name Seizure (confiscation) is a sure fire way to stop political bias censorship. Last night I was thinking about what if. Just imagine President Trump executing an executive order to confiscate Twitter and Facebook domain names. Though this would piss off a lot of people, it’s probably not…

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Will The Political Bias Insanity End After Election Day

political bias media defund police

Fake news is pounding political bias CoronaVirus panic into their viewers. NBC Lester Holt went as far as saying last week, looks like Florida will have to shut down again. Hannity last night had FL Governor Ron DeSantis on for an interview (but did not publish to YouTube.) Yes covid…

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Big Tech War Is ‘Living In The End Times’ And Nobody’s Fault But Ours!

big tech war in the end times

American’s somehow seem to be okay with being censored by Big Tech. Liberal media is flat out LYING to American’s, yet folks flock to CNN and MSNBC (enter others here) to be fed the daily garbage. Google who owns YouTube decides for American’s what’s good for them to watch, and…

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CNN Anti-Trump Bias Exposed By Project Veritas Whistleblower

CNN Anti-Trump Bias Exposed

CNN Anti-Trump Bias Exposed by company whistleblower, Cary Poarch. This brave insider secretly recorded president Jeff Zucker and other insiders conversations. We’ve known for years that CNN was anti-Trump bias but now we have concrete proof in this video. President Trump should look-into suing CNN and Jeff Zucker. CNN Really…

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Fox News Bias Poll: America Wants President Trump Impeached

fox news bias poll

Left Leaning FOX NEWS Bias Poll is saying 51% of Americans want President Trump Impeached! This is Absolute Liberal BULLSHIT! Fox News has abandoned those who made them great and went full Libtard! First it was Hiring DNC Donna Braille and now this BETRAYAL of America! 😡 The first word…

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President Trump’s Tech Bias Reporting Tool Missing In Action

white house tech bias reporting tool closed

President Trump’s tech bias social media abuse reporting tool has been out of service for a good 2 weeks that i know of. The form displays ‘This typeform is now closed.’ 🙁 Considering this reporting tool was launched on 05/15/19, and not finding anything in search saying it was ‘officially’…

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President Trump To Sign Anti-Trust Investigation Into Social Media Bias

Trump Anti-Trust Executive Order

Donald Trump is expected to sign an anti-trust investigation order into Silicone Valley Big Tech’s Monopoly. Too many conservatives and Trump supporters “opinions” are being squashed like a bug. With big bully brother Google the mack-daddy of them all. Conservatives opinions are their right afforded by the United States Constitution.…

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