America Wins With GOD And Donald Trump Potus47❤️

Yes.. It’s the truth. America wins with GOD and Donald Trump! I’m calling this election MAGA2. I fell asleep in the middle of the debate. Ole Lyin Biden was good cheap entersainment as he stumbled to put a sentence together. He lied saying the Border Control endorsed him when they did not. That’s what Dems gets for installing Joe Biden! And it’s my opinion that Obama is driving the blue train!

Trump Vs. Biden | DEBATE MEGA LIVESTREAM! Video credit, Stephen Crowder>

So, I’m just hanging out blogging this true facts article and watching Fox News. A clip of CNN saying Donald Trump Lied and was intimidating the moderator. OMG, gotta find that clip for you Sheeple that watch lame-stream media! CNN Lyin Like Biden!I 😆

Republican Scott Jennings Calls Out CNN Panel Propping Up Biden, ‘Lying’ To All Americans , Credit, NewsVids

I have had enough Democrat leadership that I can take, and believe most Americans have too. What we are witnessing is a power play between the Republicans and the Democrats, which are clearly losing the battle. Whoever chose lyin Joe Biden to be installed as Potus46 when they stole the last election needs their heads examined

And here is another factual video of those corrupted talking heads in action. The Democratic party is famous for stealing elections. Is Barack Obama running the Joe Biden show? One thing positively its not Joe Biden. My money is on the Obummer ! 😎

Furthermore, It’s my option that only Donald Trump can reverse the damage done by the Democratic Party and Joe Biden and CamelToes Harris.I was born in St Petersburg FL in 1952, and have witnessed our homeland go to crap over the years. In my humble opinion, Ronald Reagan was the last good president of the Uniyrd States of America.. Ole “bubba” Bill Clinton was ok. Neither of the Busch’s impressed me either.

America Wins With Trump 2024
America Wins With GOD and Donald Trump 2024

It wasn’t until Donald Trump ran for president impressed me. So i followed along and changed my party affiliation to Republican.YES it’s a FACT that Donald Trump Made America Great Again! As an BBS System Operator (Computer Bulieton Board System Operator, on the worldwide Fidonet Network. I followed Mr. Trump blogged his many accomplishments. There are many posts that are Trump Positive as I feek someone needs to set the hate peddlers straight. So since 2015 I’ve documented his many successes. But I.m still going though much slower at 72. Koojing fotward to Election Night1

This website and its media content reflect Doc’s personal opinion. I simply tell it just like I see it, with no beating around the bush or sugar-coating applied. It is a large conservative political collection that contains many MAGA-related posts and many archived privately hosted videos and archived MAGA rallies.